
Tips for Making an Easier Transition Back to the Office

The image source is Pexels.


Within the next year, many who have been working from home will have to transition back to the office fully or at least partially if their company is creating a hybrid work plan. This transition may be difficult as people have gotten comfortable and content working from home which is why we have compiled five tips for making an easier transition back to the office!

Ease Yourself Into an Earlier Wake Up Time

Your commute may have been shortened and you may have had more flexibility in your morning routine while working from home. Transitioning back to the office may require you to wake up earlier in order to get ready for the day away from home and get yourself into work on time. Start early and start small. If you have some notice that you will be returning to the office, start waking up five to ten minutes earlier each day to ease yourself into your new schedule. In just a couple of weeks, waking up at an earlier time should be a breeze!

Bring Comfort Items from Home

Make your office space more comfortable and inviting to head into by bringing comfort items from home. Have a favorite blanket you like to put over your lap during the day while working from home? Bring it! Did you discover your new favorite Kona peaberry coffee that the office does not have for you to drink? Bring that too! Make yourself feel at home at the office.

Prepare Meals to Eat at Work

There is nothing like a home cooked meal and you may have had more and more of these while working from home. There are many benefits to eating a meal from home including comfort, lower costs, and healthier options. With just a little planning and preparation, you can still have these prepared meals for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or even snacks when you go back to the office. Prepare your meals on a weekly basis or the night before and bring a lunch box to bring a taste of home with you and keep your eating routine consistent even when working in the office. Bringing a meal that you already made will also give you added time on your lunch break to relax and unwind where that time would otherwise have been spent finding something to eat and potentially traveling to do so.

Use Noise Cancelling Headphones

To help you have an easier transition back to the office, consider investing in a pair of noise cancelling headphones. There will inevitably be more people around making noise throughout the day in the office and a nice pair of noise cancelling headphones will help you to block out any outside sounds that may cause distractions. If background noise is still bugging you, play some music or white noise for added assistance in blocking out noisy office sounds.

Focus on Your Mental Health

Most will recognize that transitioning back to the office will take a toll on employees’ mental health. Make sure you set proper boundaries when returning to the office to preserve yours. Whether you need to step outside or head to your car to have some time alone for a few minutes on your lunch break or you feel the need to ask to work from home once or twice a week to help with the transition, speak up and don’t get bogged down during this process! Click here for more information on setting boundaries for mental health when returning to the office.



Have an easier transition back to the office by taking small steps to regain your morning routine, bringing comfort items and food from home, and investing in noise cancelling headphones. Don’t forget to prioritize your mental health during this process!

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