The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) conducted its recruitment exam for RBI Grade B today, which is one of the most reputed exams in the banking sector. This year, the RBI Grade B notification was released for 199 vacancies for three posts, which are A) General B) DEPR- Department of Economic Policy and Research and C) DSIM- Department of Statistics and Information Management.
Around 2.5 to 3 lakh candidates appear every year for the exam. The exam had 4 sections for which sectional time was given. The level of the examination was easy to moderate.
Quantitative Aptitude was one of the easiest sections to score while Reasoning Ability was the hardest. General Awareness section’s difficulty level was moderate with majority of questions being asked from current affairs ranging from the month of August to September.
The sections were sequenced in the order of General Awareness, Reasoning Ability, English Language, and Quantitative Aptitude. Below is the section- wise analysis:
General Awareness:
Majority of the questions were based on Current Affairs, from the months of September and October.
1.In the current affairs, many questions could be seen from the recently conducted summits.
2.The number of questions from the section of Static G K was 6-7.
3.A few questions were asked from budget and economic issues, which ranged in between 5-6.
Students who are planning to appear for the exam next year should focus on improving their speed and accuracy. You should aim to attempt 130+ questions to crack the exam.
This exam analysis is prepared on the basis of the feedback shared by the RBI Grade B aspirants.
(Vijay Jha, Academic Head, Banking Exams at Gradeup)
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