Keys Hotels are present in 16 cities including Aurangabad, Bengaluru, Calicut, Chennai, Goa, Gurugram, Kochi, Kolhapur, Ludhiana, Mahabaleshwar, Manali, Mumbai, Pune, Port Blair, Trivandrum and Vishakapatnam. Of these, Lemon Tree already has a presence in 7 destinations and these Keys Hotels add to the depth of coverage in those cities.
Commenting on this acquisition, Lemon Tree Hotels chairman & MD Patanjali Keswani said: “We are pleased about this acquisition and the geographic spread that the Keys Hotels portfolio brings with it. We will now instantly enter 9 new destinations and simultaneously consolidate inventory in 7 of our current destinations. Going forward, we will add value to the top line of these hotels both in terms of higher yield and greater occupancies.”
“As a pan India mid-market player, Lemon Tree Hotels are now available across 45 cities and can offer its customers multiple options in key cities. This will help us build loyalty with our guests as well as allow us to offer a wider range of brand options to hotel owners in our managed hotels portfolio, in future,” he added.
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