Lisa Ray likes to keep it real on social media. Recently, when Lisa Ray shared a no-make up selfie on social media and termed as “free and unfiltered”, it went viral, while also winning hearts. The model-turned-actor maintains that for her, it is all about keeping in real even in the virtual world.
“Today, I’m so confident and unshakeable in my own middle-aged body that truth telling comes easily to me,” shares the 47-year-old, adding, “I’m not interested in only projecting unreality. We need to start a dialogue that is an antidote to the unrealistic expectations that the beauty industry and society propagates through social media. Enough!”
And this real side of her is something which also reflects in Lisa’s first book, an autobiography. She says she is so much in love with writing now that she is ready to be a full-time writer, which has always been her dream. I want to officially announce that I’ve signed a three book contract,” she adds, jubilantly.
But that does not mean she has put her acting career on the back-burner, at least for now. She will be seen in the second season of web series Four More Shots Please! and in a feature film 99 Songs, which premiered at the Busan Film Festival.
Lisa has, however, never chased Bollywood films. Her film career is pretty sparse as compared to the number of years she has been around. “My career is an accident. I never aspired to be a part of Bollywood. It’ s not part of my aesthetic and artistic reference points,” she responds.
“I’ve acted in independent films abroad that brought me acclaim and satisfaction, though the Indian audience is completely ignorant of the fact I have a separate career outside India. I’ve only ever wanted to write books. I am an introvert and I can’t even relate to most Bollywood films – why would I dedicate my energy to acting in them?” she concludes.
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