
Bernardo Silva: Manchester City forward banned and fined for Benjamin Mendy tweet


Manchester City forward Bernardo Silva has been suspended for one first-team match and fined £50,000 for his tweet relating to team-mate Benjamin Mendy.

Silva compared Mendy to the character on a packet of Conguitos – a sweet brand available in Spain and Portugal.

The Portugal player, 25, must also complete a face-to-face education after admitting a breach of FA Rule E3.

Silva deleted the post 46 minutes after he published it before tweeting: “Can’t even joke with a friend these days.”

There was no hearing after Silva admitted the charge, and acknowledged some people may be offended by the “historical connotations of the Conguitos character”.

The report from the FA commission said: “The player did not himself intend the post to be insulting or in any way racist.

“It is clear that the tweet was intended to be no more than a joke between close friends.

“However, this was not a private jocular communication between two friends.

“The post was on a social media platform exposed to the 600,000 followers of a high-profile and well-respected professional footballer.”

Silva will be ineligible for City’s Premier League home match against Chelsea on Saturday, 23 November (17:30 GMT).

More to follow.


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