Alia Bhatt’s Tuesday looks a lot better than ours – the Raazi actress is curled up in her bed with her best buddy Edward, her pet cat. Alia Bhatt’s Tuesday started with some adorable snuggling with her furry friend Edward, which made for an even more adorable selfie. One look at it will tell you Alia and Edward are such posers, no really! Alia Bhatt, the unbeatable queen of catchy captions on Instagram, shared her photo with these words: “Like mother like cat.” Sorry Alia, but for this photo, Edward takes the hamper for being cute, cuter and cutest! Take a look at Alia Bhatt’s post here.
Alia Bhatt welcomed Edward as the newest member of the Bhatt family on her 24th birthday in 2017. The Persian Cat was Alia’s birthday gift to herself. Since then, Edward Bhatt has upped the cuteness quotient on Alia’s Instagram just by being adorable. Edward is Alia’s “best bud”, doubles up as her messenger to thanks followers and is also her therapist: “My therapist has fur and four legs.”
Take a look at Edward’s journey on Alia Bhatt’s Instagram here:
Earlier, Alia had also introduced herself as the “Mother Of Cat” with a subtle Game Of Thrones reference. Game Of Thrones‘ Daenerys Targaryen (aka Khaleesi) describes herself as ‘Mother of Dragons.’
On the work front, Alia Bhatt will resume shooting for Sadak 2, in which she is being directed by her father Mahesh Bhatt. Alia also has Ayan Mukerji’s Brahmastra in the line-up, in which she co-stars with boyfriend Ranbir Kapoor.
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