
6 Daily Practices for Positive Mental Health

The world can be a sad and depressing place. More often than not, an occurrence here or there can suck all the sunshine from the brightest summer days. A word from someone you care for deeply, a look, or lack thereof can bring about anxiety, stress, or depression. However, the good news is you can actively schedule activities for self-care to maintain positive mental health.


Self-care involves a personalized approach to health management without relying on a medical professional. Self-care will entail scheduling some time for yourself to partake in activities that are yours, to build yourself up, and let yourself heal. Your self-care activities may entail.

1. Exercise

A lot has been said about exercise. Exercise helps you combat stress, deal with frustrations, and manage your weight. Additionally, exercise has been shown to lower anxiety and improve your quality of life. Physically stressing your body can relieve mental stress; consequently, you will build a positive body image and get good mental health.


Exercise can involve simple activities such as going for a walk or jog or high-intensity exercises. The bottom line is getting something that works for you. Exercise improves mental health by:

Lowering Levels of Stress Hormones

The stress hormone cortisone has many detrimental effects on your body. It may have you adding extra weight. Alternatively, it might lower your immunity leading to increased susceptibility to infections.


Exercise usually has your body produce endorphins. Endorphins not only cause the runner’s high, but they also have some pain-reducing properties, improve your mood and your overall mental health.


Regular exercise helps tone your body. A toned body and that feeling of a conqueror bring about a sense of competence and confidence, helping you deal with whatever life may throw at you.


Exercise helps you sleep better. A good night’s rest is critical for good mental and physical health. Good sleep quality has you feeling more rested, and you can handle your day better.

2. Take Supplements

Many supplements have been touted to reduce stress levels, improve overall mental and physical health and reduce anxiety. Note that supplements may interact with some of the medicines you may be taking, and it is advisable to consult your pharmacist before taking any supplements.


Some of the natural supplements known to improve mental health include omega-3, green tea, and kava kava. Finding the best NMN supplement can also boost longevity for a happy and long life. 

3. Write Things Down

Journaling is a habit you should consider piking. Write down events and instances when you feel low and things that you are grateful for. Gratitude is an essential process in healing and acceptance. Gratitude also helps improve overall mental health. It would be best to learn to focus on the positive experiences in life and learn to give thanks for all things good and bad.

3. Connect with People

Maintain healthy and fruitful relationships with people you trust and hold dear. You could decide to meet up in person once in a while to talk and debrief. You may also choose to meet up or catch up on the phone via a teleconferencing application or phone call.


Building a society of trusted friends and colleagues is essential to your mental health. Get people who are kind and who you can converse with freely. Always teach yourself to open up and talk about your fears, aspirations, hopes, and dreams.


As you receive, learn to give too. Giving has the best reward in life. Support other people too. Listen to others, acknowledge the problems they face, and help others deal with their issues too. You can also volunteer at nearby community groups. Helping others and listening to others can help you feel better about yourself.

4. Teach Yourself to Say No

While not all things are in your control, some things are. Take charge of the elements in your control and say “no” more often. Say “no” to stressors or when you find yourself taking up more than you can handle. Whenever you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, say “no” and maintain your happiness.


When you take charge and are selective of what you take on, you might improve your mental health.

5. Avoid Procrastination

To maintain positive mental health, learn to stay on top of your priorities. Avoid procrastination as have you reacting instead of acting. Procrastination is a practice known to induce anxiety and stress.


Make it a habit to come up with prioritized to-do lists. Have realistic deadlines and give yourself healthy breaks in between your schedule. Try to avoid multitasking and switching in-between tasks as this may cause anxiety and stress.


The responsibility of one’s positive mental health lies in yourself. Guard it jealously and proactively. Have personalized self-care activities to maintain good mental and physical health.  


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