
5 Ways To Warm Up Before Working Out

5 Ways To Warm Up Before Working Out-b69ef714

Maintaining a solid exercise routine is key to good health. Warming up before you exercise not only enhances efficiency and performance in a workout but can also help you avoid injury. Keep these five warm-up tips in mind to improve your overall workouts and gain the most benefits from your exercise program.

Start Your Warm-Up for the Next Time As Soon As You Finish a Work Out

The time in between your workouts is known as “recovery time.” It is also often the time when you will feel muscle fatigue and soreness. You might also experience a build-up of lactic acid, making you feel sick to your stomach and exhausted and cause a burning sensation during exercise. 


Investing in a massage gun can not only help you speed up your recovery time but can also be considered the start of your warm-up for your next workout. These devices use vibration and deep tissue massage to alleviate pain and release lactic acid from surrounding muscles and tissues.

Proper Stretching During Warm-Up Helps Prevent Injuries

Each time you work out, your muscles endure the harsh impact. Making it a habit to properly stretch your body during warm-up will help your muscles build resistance to withstand the impact. 


A pre-work-out stretch makes your body more pliable, essential to exercise safety, performance, and efficiency. Stretching does not only help with muscle resistance; it is also suitable for your joints and rotation in your hip flexors. Another benefit of incorporating stretching into your warm-up routine is that it increases blood flow, which helps prepare your body for strenuous activity.

Drink Water Before Exercising

Staying adequately hydrated is a key to good health. It is essential to hydrate before working out. Water intake helps regulate your body temperature and lubricates your joints. Lack of proper hydration can cause symptoms during or after working out, including dizziness, nausea, headache, cramping, or fainting. 


If you are not adequately hydrated, your body cannot perform at its top level. Drinking water is a simple thing to do before a workout that can help prevent injury and improve performance.

Get Your Heart Rate Up a Bit

While you would not want to increase your heart rate as much as you would during an aerobic workout, part of your warm-up routine should always include body movements that increase your heart rate. 


You might try marching in place, doing arm circles, or a few jumping jacks. Spend at least two to three minutes on cardio before each workout. When you exercise, your heart has to beat stronger and faster, so it makes sense to give it a warm-up to avoid a sudden change.

Warm Up Your Core With a Few Planks

Planks can help you increase back strength, as well as balance and posture. There are various types of planks, including side planks and forearm planks. Your core muscles are a complex network of muscles in your pelvic region. Not only are planks an excellent pre-workout tool, but they also happen to be one of the best calorie-burning exercises to help maintain a healthy weight.


There is no one specific way to warm up before a workout. You can adapt your warm-up routines to meet your particular needs and long-term exercise goals. For instance, if you have been experiencing inflexibility, you can add more stretches to your warm-up. 


Using a vibration gun to massage your muscles might be a good idea if you’ve been experiencing a lot of soreness. Your warm-up might be consistent or might change from week to week, depending on your needs. Keep the five tips provided in this post in mind to form a foundation for a basic, solid warm-up routine that can help you avoid injury and enhance performance.

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