
World No Tobacco Day 2020: 8 effective ways to ‘kick the butt’, live healthy – sex and relationships


Smoking has become a part and parcel of daily life owing to the stress at work or any personal challenges, dealing with which might be a difficult task for most people. Even though smoking addicts feel like quitting it, the call of addiction obstructs the resolve and might also bring the baggage of heavy withdrawal symptoms, especially when you’ve been smoking for a long time. This World No Tobacco Day, here are a few easy yet effective ways to curb the craving of having ‘just one puff’ and kick the butt. Read on:

ALSO READ: World No Tobacco Day 2020: Disspelling myths about tobacco use, cigarettes and vaping

1) A pinch of ginseng: Add Ginseng powder to your breakfast, as it is an effective remedy to prevent the release of dopamine, one of the main components found in nicotine.

2) Suck on a drinking straw: For most smokers, the start and end of a meal indicate lighting a cigarette up, and once a habit is formed, it takes effort to let it go. However, you can replace the urge to smoke with that of sucking on a drinking straw. Choose a paper one and save the environment in a two-fold way – no plastic from either the straw or the cigarette butt, which also is a crucial environment polluter which is meeting the oceans’ plastic waste and harming the ecology.

3) Snap out of it: Remind yourself to not go in the direction of the harmful stick. Wear a rubber band around your wrist and snap it whenever the craving arises. The sting will distract you and give you a moment to reflect and remember all the reasons why you have chosen to quit smoking.

4) Work out: Whenever the urge takes over, get up from your chair and do 5-10 pushups or practice planks for 30 seconds or more. Your mind and body will be diverted quickly and you’ll feel energised to focus on your task better. During the lockdown, a home workout regime can be added to your daily routine so you live well.

5) Do the dishes: Do the dishes when you crave a cigarette. A wet hand cannot hold a cigarette. The nature of the activity doesn’t matter as long as it gets you off smoking. You can also listen to a song, chat to your home assistants like Alexa or Google Home, watch a funny cat or dog video and more.

6) Meditate or chant: Incorporate a meditation session into your day so you are mindful of your actions as well. Guided meditation via music streaming apps or dedicated apps such as Headspace and Calm are effective companions when you want to find peace to quieten the mind’s traffic.

7) Knitting: Knitting is an effective way to deal with stress and anxiety and might lead people to smoke. Some studies have proven that knitting is a great way to keep stress at bay.

8) Reward yourself for the small wins: Celebrate your victories by giving yourself a reward to keep yourself motivated. This can be a cheat meal or even a piece of chocolate, especially if you’re watching what you eat as well.

According to a World Health Organisation (WHO) report, “By 2030, more than 80% of the deaths will occur in developing countries, which have been increasingly targeted by tobacco companies seeking new markets to circumvent tightening regulation in developed nations.”

The WHO report also delved into the environmental impact of everything from tobacco production to the cigarette butts and other waste produced by smokers. It estimates that the industry emits nearly four million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent annually — the same as around three million transatlantic flights. Waste from the process contains over 7,000 toxic chemicals that poison the environment, including human carcinogens.

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