
World Environment Day 2020: Beauty and the eco-conscious shopper – more lifestyle


While we observe World Environment Day today with the theme of Time For Nature, experts reveal that beauty enthusiasts have begun to realise the value of organic products, thanks to the popular beauty DIYs during the lockdown which promote sustainable living.

Beauty expert Blossom Kochhar believes that the lockdown has put many things in perspective. “We lived life in a fast lane, wanting quick fixes and buying chemical cosmetics. This period has given people time to get in touch with themselves and contemplate,” she says.

A surge in demand for organic beauty products is expected as shoppers are now more aware of how harmful chemicals can affect their skin. “They’ve understood the value of organic, cruelty-free products. These will give them all the vitamins and minerals. People will buy more such products because they want to indulge in natural things,” adds Kochhar.

The switch to sustainable skin care products also means contributing in protecting environment. Ritika Jayaswal, founder of Nourish Mantra, a natural skincare brand also feels that the pandemic has brought a change in human behaviour. “We are forced to think about our environment, so we see a lot of lifestyle changes. People are practising sustainable living to take better care of themselves and the planet at the same time,” she says.

She further adds, “These changes that this pandemic has brought about, people have started practising sustainable living and would want to use organic and cruelty free products because so they can take better care of themselves and the planet at the same time.”

Interact with author/sanchita_kalra.

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