
Work/Life: Deciding Whether to Stick With It, or Quit It


On this episode of Work/Life, Greg Nibler sits down with Ciara Pressler, founder of Pregame, to talk about a question many employees may have about their jobs: Should I stay, or should I go? And what else in my life can be left behind? Pressler gives tips, tricks, and strategies to help you navigate the challenges and pitfalls of deciding whether you should stick with it, or quit it.

“As we wrap up one year and begin with another, it’s time to figure out what we want to leave in the past, and what to take into the new year and decade,” says Pressler. “You have to ask yourself some difficult questions.” Do you have your own business? Is it worth the risk/reward to keep it up, or is it time to close that chapter? “If you’re hitting a wall, it’s time to ask yourself some serious questions.”

If you work for someone else, this may be the time to strike out on your own. The question there, Pressler reminds us, is “Can I afford to do that in every sense of the word?” After that is to ask “why”? “What is your motive? Are you being motivated by the right thing?” Pressler asks. If you’re motivated to change by fear, anger, or anxiety, those aren’t emotions that will serve you and your goals. “Take a step back,” she says, and that will help inform your decisions.

As for the other areas in your life, “you have permission to say no” to things, Pressler reminds us. There is only so much time and energy, so in order to give your best self, you need to say no to certain things. While there are several different “house cleaning” philosophies, the goal of them is to remove the clutter and distractions from your life so you can focus on what’s important. “Unless you’re really passionate about it, you can probably throw it out,” she says. “You’ll be surprised at how not guilty you will feel” about cutting out the excess and clutter-busting your life, she notes.

Lastly, Pressler recommends two books on the subject: The Dip, by Seth Godin, and Do the Work, by Steven Pressman. Both are short reads, she notes, but both give valuable advice and analogies to help you navigate difficult decisions.

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