The railways has successfully conducted one of the “world’s largest recruitment exercises” wherein 2.4 crore application were received for 1.27 lakh vacancies on critical safety and operational posts, the national transporter said Thursday.
Two recruitment notifications — one for Assistant Loco Pilots and technician and the other for Level-I (erstwhile group D) posts — were released in 2018 for filling up about 1.27 lakh vacancies. Total Posts of Assistant Loco Pilots (ALPs) and technicians were 64,371 and about 47.45 lakhs candidates applied for these posts. Vacancies for Level-I posts (erstwhile group D) were 63,202 and around 1.9 crore candidates applied for these posts. A total of around 2.4 crore candidates applied, making it the largest recruitment exercise, the railways said.
Computer Based Test (CBT) for the posts of ALP and technician recruitment was conducted in 33 shifts over 11 days from August 9 to September 4, 2018 at 440 test centers in 166 cities across India and they recorded the highest number of attendance of about 36.42 lakh candidates. The second stage CBT for this recruitment was conducted from January 21, 2019 to January 23, 2019 in nine shifts. The attendance was about 88 per cent, it said. Panels (candidates who have been selected) for the posts of ALP and technician of about 17,500 posts have been furnished to the railways. The rest of the panels are under process due to medical appeal cases. The Zonal Railway will soon be advised about the rest of the panels, the ministry said.
The CBT for Level-1 posts (erstwhile Group D) commenced from September 17, 2018 and was successfully completed on December 17, 2018. “The exam was conducted in 152 shifts over 51 days in 16 cities in 405 exam centres. Total number of eligible candidates were 1,89,82,719 (approx. 1.90 crores) out of which 1,17,14,754 appeared for the Computer Based Test which is about 61.71%. This was followed by Physical Efficiency Test (PET), Document Verification and Medical Examination,” the railways said.
For the posts of Level-1, panels of about 53,000 posts have been furnished to the Railway. The rest of the panels are under process due to medical appeal cases. The Zonal Railway will soon be advised about the rest of the panels, it said.
For the post of Junior Engineer, Depot Material Superintendent (DMS), Chemical and Metallurgical Assistant (CMA), Railway Recruitment Boards (RRBs) conducted the first stage Computer Based Test from May 22, 2019 to June 2, 2019 and June 26, 2019 to June 28, 2019 for 24.75 lakh candidates. It was conducted in 35 shifts over 12 days at 356 test centers in 109 cities across India. The attendance was about 62.5%.
The second stage CBT for this recruitment was conducted from August 28, 2019 to September 1, 2019 in 10 shifts. The attendance was about 88%. The candidates will be intimated shortly for document verification and medical examination.
“RRBs follow the practice of direct and instantaneous communication with candidates through regular updates on web-sites and individual SMSes and emails. “Candidates are appealed to refer to these official communications only and not be misguided by false propaganda and rumors being circulated on social media, many of which are aimed at misleading the genuine candidates and adversely affecting their preparation for examination,” it said.
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