
Microsoft drops the Xbox One X and Xbox One S All-Digital Edition from its catalog

In brief: Although next-gen consoles are just around the corner, Sony and Microsoft will likely continue to sell current-gen devices until the demand has completely fizzled out. However, Microsoft is aiming to streamline production by eliminating slightly more niche Xbox One models from its line-up.

In a statement to The Verge, the console maker confirmed that it will be dropping both the Xbox One X and the Xbox One S All-Digital Edition from its product catalog.

“As we ramp into the future with Xbox Series X, we’re taking the natural step of stopping production on Xbox One X and Xbox One S All-Digital Edition,” Microsoft told the outlet. The standard Xbox One S will continue to be produced and shipped for the time being.

This news might disappoint some that were hoping to snag an Xbox One X to stay busy in the months leading up to the Series X’s launch, but Microsoft’s decision does make sense. The company is likely re-organizing its facilities to accommodate demand for the Xbox Series X, so the fewer products it has to worry about producing, the better.

“As we ramp into the future with Xbox Series X, we’re taking the natural step of stopping production on Xbox One X and Xbox One S All-Digital Edition.”

It’s worth noting that an end to production does not necessarily mean an end to availability. We fully expect stores to continue carrying both the Xbox One X and the Xbox One S All-Digital Edition for at least a few more weeks, if not months.

Many gamers likely already have an Xbox One (or a PS4), and might not see much of a need to shell out the cash for a minor upgrade when a more significant leap forward is just a couple months away. As such, stock for the Xbox One X and the One S All-Digital Edition probably won’t deplete all that quickly.

Of course, that’s just speculation on our part, and you’ll certainly want to check with your local console retailers for concrete details regarding availability.

Masthead credit: Andrej Antic via Shutterstock.

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