
Menstrual Hygiene Day 2020: Yoga to ease menstrual problems – sex and relationships


The monthly menstrual cycle varies depending on the physical strength of your body. Having a regular period is an indicator of an ovulating woman, meaning that it a monthly reminder that a woman is capable of having a baby. During periods, women face different issues like lack of energy, extreme pain, mood swings, fatigue, bloating, and irritability.

The menstrual cycle is exceptionally sensitive, if you are stressed or travelling; change in your eating pattern can change your menstrual cycle. The condition of menstrual cycle mirrors the condition of physical and psychological well-being.

According to Ayurveda, a poor diet and inefficient digestion are the main causes of menstrual disorders. Improperly digested food produces toxins in the body that might aggravate Vata Dosha (air) and the Rakta Dhatu (blood). The aggravated Vata brings impaired blood into the channels carrying the raj (menstrual blood), leading to increase menstrual blood flow.

However, periods are no reason to avoid physical activities, more so yoga, which helps with both physical and mental health and thus has a positive impact on your hormonal health.

ALSO READ: Yoga for holistic health: Tackle obesity, depression and other mental health issues with yoga and meditation

On Menstrual Hygiene Day, Paramita Singh, Nutritionist cum Yoga Practitioner, suggests a few yoga asanas that help fight menstrual problems: 

Head to Knee Pose – Janu Sirsasana:

Extend your right leg and place the sole of your left foot on your right inner thigh. Centre your torso over the right leg and fold forward. Come back through baddha konasana to set up for the other side. Continuing to take it nice and easy, janu sirsasana – head to knee pose – stretches the hamstrings in a simple forward bend. It’s an easy stretch that allows you to focus on one leg at a time and gently extend and lengthen your hips and groin.

Seated Straddle – Upavistha Konasana

Open both your legs wide into upavistha konasana – seated straddle. Again, a supported forward fold with a bolster or blankets is a great option. We’re concentrating on those hamstrings again, but are also stretching the inner thighs and lengthening the spine.

Seated Forward Bend – Paschimottanasana


Bring both legs outstretched for a forward bend. Lengthen the spine in a seated position before coming forward. Imagine the pelvis as a bowl that is tipping forward as you come down. The seated forward bend – paschimottanasana – goes deeper still in opening the hamstrings and calves. It also gives your back a nice stretch.

Supported Bridge Pose


Lie down on your back. Press into your feet to lift the hips slightly and slide a yoga block under them for support. To come out, press into the feet to lift the hips again and slide the block out.

Many yoga techniques can be practiced throughout the month to help balance the hormones, the menstrual cycle and to prevent pre-menstrual syndrome, period pain, emotional disturbances and other associated symptoms of menstruation.

— with inputs from IANS

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