
How to take care of your skin

Everyone wants to have a radiant complexion that they can be proud of, but the world throws a lot at people and seems to get in the way of that. From pollution to dry air in the office and harsh weather conditions outside, your skin goes through a lot every day! Luckily there are plenty of steps you can take to help look after your skin and get back that gorgeous glow. Here are some top tips.

Have a good skincare regime

To begin with, you need to think about your daily skincare routine. Some of the specifics will depend on the type of skin and lifestyle you have, but there are a few general rules that everyone should follow. The first of these is to wear sunscreen and avoid too much exposure to intense sunlight, as the UV rays can be very damaging to your skin. It’s also sensible to moisturize every day; however, don’t feel that you need to use a whole host of products on your skin. It’s best to use a couple of good-quality ones that you know work for you. Another great idea is to give your skin professional treatment, either with a spa facial or at home with a device from NuFACE. If you wear makeup, also be sure to take it off every single night before bed. This can seem like a hassle but is crucial for allowing your skin to breathe and preventing your pores from getting clogged. Similarly, clean or replace your makeup brushes regularly in order to avoid infections.

Eat healthily

Taking care of your skin is not just about what you put directly on it – it’s also about what you eat and drink. You want to be sure you’re getting lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, fish, nuts, and seeds. Some of the key vitamins and minerals you need are vitamin C (for instance, from oranges), vitamin E (for example, from almonds and avocados), and omega-3 (which is found in oily fish such as salmon). In addition, it’s crucial to drink around eight glasses of water every day because staying hydrated helps keep your skin supple and radiant. On the other hand, you should try and avoid drinking alcohol (which can age the skin), as well as avoid foods that are high in sugar and salt. 

Get plenty of sleep

You’ve probably seen firsthand how a bad night’s sleep can leave your skin looking dull and cause dark circles underneath your eyes. Aim for six to eight hours of quality sleep a night, and also consider switching to silk pillowcases as the smooth material minimizes the chance of creating wrinkles as you sleep. In line with this, stress can make your skin more sensitive and likely to experience breakouts, so practicing meditation or doing breathing exercises can also be helpful. Conversely, you should avoid smoking at all costs – not only is it extremely damaging to your health, but it also ages your skin and increases the likelihood of developing wrinkles. Try exercising more, too, as this boosts circulation and gives your skin a natural healthy glow.

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