Amitabh Bachchan started the 55th episode of the popular quiz show Kaun Banega Crorepati 11 with new sets of contestants. He asked the contestants a Fastest Fingers First question and Suraj Ashok Shevatkar made it to the hot seat this time by answering the fastest. Mr Shevatkar works in the Indian Railways and teaches children in his free time. In the game, Suraj exhausted all of his lifelines till the 10th question. He played the quiz beautifully but after a wrong attempt, he went home with prize money of Rs 10,000 only. Taking the game ahead, Big B asked the contestants next Fastest Fingers First questions and this time, Pankaj Maheshwari from Rajasthan made it to the hot seat. Pankaj is a tax consultant in Jaipur.
Amitabh Bachchan stared the game with Pankaj by asking a question related to telecommunication. He later asked Mr Maheshwari a question related to his 1983 film Coolie. The question was based on Big B’s character Zafar’s pet eagle Allah Rakha and Pankaj answered it correctly. Amitabh Bachchan continued the game with Mr Maheshwari.
The questions on tonight’s episode varied from science and politics to entertainment. We have listed a few questions for you. Take a look and tell us in the comments section how many you could answer.
#According to Indian scripture, what is “Vaitarani” or “Vaitarna”?
#Electric current is measured using what device? #According to an idiom, being in water, one should not be at loggerheads with which of these?
#With reference to telecommunication in India, what does ‘D’ stand for in STD and ISD?
#What name, shared with a famous scooter sold by them earlier, have Bajaj Auto given to their upcoming electric scooter?
Kaun Banega Crorepati 11 airs on Sony TV from Monday to Friday. Watch this space for more updates.
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