
Death Stranding Reviews – TechSpot

By PCGamesN


As thrilling as it is boring, as fantastic as it is mundane, but one thing’s for sure – there’s truly nothing else like it.

By ScreenRant


The narrative can be as tedious as some of the toughest package deliveries—for one thing, more of the story is told in monologues and emails than actual conversations, partly due to the quarantined characters, granting the story an unnaturally stilted pace—but even those most reticent to Kojima’s storytelling will find memorable qualities and encounters. Death Stranding is a game meant to be experienced by all, even those who won’t complete it, and a good PC build makes this the best version to determine if Sam is the right porter for the job.

By tsa


Death Stranding takes on a whole new meaning in 2020, and it’s a story well worth revisiting or experiencing for the first time on PC. The pacing of the game can certainly drag to a screeching halt through the middle, but with boosted frame rate and crisper visuals, you’ll likely be too mesmerised by the hauntingly gorgeous world of Hideo Kojima’s latest masterpiece to even care about the uneven story beats.

By VG24/7


And as profound as it wants to be, this is still a game in which you can equip and unequip your penis so you can piss out Red Bull. The good stuff is waiting for you beyond that piss, beyond the shit grenades, beyond that Ride with Norman Reedus advert unceremoniously plastered into a game universe where I didn’t see a single television set. It’s just a test of attrition.

By PCGamer


Slow, weird, and indulgent, but a true original, and a journey that will linger in your mind long after it’s over.

By PCMag


Death Stranding is what happens when you give developer Hideo Kojima free reign to do whatever he wants. Bizarre and not always user friendly, the stealth-action game provides a unique experience that’s laced with social commentary.

By WindowsCentral


Death Stranding came out in 2019 for the PS4, but the PC port looks to become the definitive version of the game thanks to improvements that make it playable across any type of machine. It’s also, oddly enough, more relevant than ever.



With production values that are through the roof and an extremely engaging story, Death Stranding is among Hideo Kojima’s best games. The moment-to-moment gameplay, however, falls short due to its repetitiveness, and the long stretches without any real action make it difficult to recommend the game to all open-world fans. Death Stranding is something different, and only approaching it with an open mind will reveal the brilliance of its themes, its characters and its hauntingly beautiful dystopian world.

By GameRevolution


My score from the original review remains the same. Death Stranding doesn’t try to imitate other games, and it’s not for everyone. However, it’s one of my favorite journeys in video gaming history. I feel I’ll return to again and again as the years pass.

By The Verge

And yes, it helps that the game looks and runs a lot better on PC. It’s also a good omen for the forthcoming PC version of previously PS4-exclusive Horizon Zero Dawn, whose Decima engine Kojima Productions made use of for Death Stranding. That’s a game I didn’t get on with on PS4, but hey, maybe a better frame rate will draw me back. For now, I’m happy to recommend the PC version of Death Stranding to newcomers and veterans alike.

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