
The Insanity of Endless Economic Growth


economic growth

This is the transcript of a spontaneous talk.

If you did not know already, our dominant global economic system is absolutely insane. And I’m saying this because of many reasons, one of them being that it depends on endless growth and consumption.

In this system, people have to be constantly selling and buying stuff. For how do people earn a living? By selling stuff. And when do they do that? When other people are willing to buy them. If people were to significantly reduce their consumption, then people would start losing their jobs. And as a result, they would have less money to spend back into the economy. And hence more people would lose their jobs. Until eventually, the entire economic system would collapse.

That’s why you hear economists talking highly of economic growth. And that’s why you see politicians being proud when there is an increase in economic growth. But they don’t tell you about the downsides of economic growth. And they do that intentionally because they don’t want you to know. Because endless economic growth means the destruction of our planet. The very planet that we live in and depend on and share with countless other beings. For how can you have endless growth and consumption supported by a planet that is finite and has limited resources? It is impossible.

So our economy requires the over extraction of the earth’s resources. That’s why you see that so much damage has been caused to it. That’s why you see that so many forests have been cut down. That’s why you see that the oceans have been overfished. That’s why you see that the soil has been depleted.

Our economy is not a true economy. It is an anti-economy.

A true economy means an economy that is designed intentionally to allow people to use the resources they need without causing damage to the planet.

In a true economy, people would not use more resources than those that the Earth can replenish.

In a true economy, people would share stuff so that not each person has one of everything. I was reading that the average time a screwed driver is being used during the time it is possessed by someone is just 15 minutes. And nearly every house has at least one screwdriver. How ridiculous is that? And the same holds true about cars. The average time a car is being used every day is about two hours. The rest of the time, it just sits somewhere. It is parked. What a waste of resources that is!

In a true economy, products would be manufactured from as eco-friendly materials as possible. And they would be upgradable so that they can last for as long as possible. People would not throw them away like we do nowadays, mindlessly, not thinking about the effects of our behavior.

In a true economy, people would work with each other to provide themselves with what they need. And they would do it for free for the common good. And the common good is their own good.

In a true economy, people would not be engaged in bullshit jobs like they do today. Most of the jobs are just bullshit. They don’t provide anything of value. They are just there to keep the economy moving and so that people can make profit.

And in a true economy, people would not sell other people unnecessary stuff just so that they can earn enough money to pay the bills and survive.

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