
3 Things To Expect During Pregnancy

Pregnancy can be an overwhelming journey. During this period, a woman experiences a lot of physical and emotional changes. Therefore, an expectant mother needs to seek advice from the doctor. 


The doctor should be able to guide the expectant mother on what changes to expect during pregnancy. Also, the health practitioner should give pregnant women some tips on how to ensure they have a healthy pregnancy. Here are a few things to expect during the pregnancy period.

1. First Trimester

The first trimester lasts for the first twelve weeks of pregnancy. This period is the most delicate stage of a woman’s pregnancy. Many changes occur within this stage, and pregnancy hormones begin to flood. As a result, an expectant mother experiences some aches, pains, and fatigue. However, it would help to remind yourself that all these symptoms are part of the exciting journey. These abrupt changes call for women to embrace preparing for pregnancy.


During the first trimester, the baby experiences a very high growth rate, where the fertilized egg grows into an embryo. At the 6th week, the baby’s heartbeat can be heard. Also, within this trimester, the baby’s bones, muscles, and other organs form. By the 12th week, the baby’s structure is already human-like.


During this trimester, many women experience some significant early pregnancy symptoms. For instance, by week 6, you may experience some morning sickness. This symptom might be curbed through small frequent meals. However, at extremes, the expectant mother should seek medical advice. Other symptoms include mood swings – often caused by the baby’s hormones and tender breasts.

2. Second Trimester

The second trimester ranges from the 13th to the 28th week. This period comes with a relief of the early pregnancy symptoms. By this time, the body has learned to adjust to the abrupt changes.


Therefore, most women term it as the most comfortable trimester among the three. Most symptoms disappear or become less evident. Also, at this stage, as an expectant mother, you may feel a little more energetic. By the end of the second trimester, the belly looks more evident that you are pregnant.


During this trimester, the baby’s organs become fully developed. The baby gets a little more active and starts to throw some kicks that the expectant mother can feel. By this trimester, the baby can also swallow, yawn, and hear sounds. Also, by week 28, the baby is likely to weigh at least 2 pounds.


Some pregnancy symptoms you experienced in the previous trimester may persist while others newly emerge. Some of these symptoms might include swelling feet, leg cramps, and dizziness. Also, at this stage, you might start to experience forgetfulness and weight gain. However, this is nothing to cause you to panic.

3. Third Trimester

The third trimester ranges from week 28 to around week 40. By this stage, the belly feels like it is at its largest. However, the baby is still growing; thus, the belly continues to expand. At his stage, the expectant mother feels so exhausted and experiences many discomforts. The trimester requires close monitoring by the doctor since the baby can arrive at any time.


The baby is fully formed, and the organs fully functional at this stage. The baby may now weigh 6 to 9 pounds. All the senses are now fully developed, with the brain more active, thus enabling the baby to blink and dream. The baby also turns head-down in preparation for delivery. You may experience stronger kicks during this trimester. By week 38, labor can be expected at any time.

Other Significant Changes

There are significant changes that occur during the pregnancy period. Some of these changes may lead to complications. For instance, a woman might develop diastasis recti, a condition where the abdominal muscles separate.


The condition is characterized by a hanging belly, backaches, and urinary stress. However, the condition can be prevented and also corrected. Therefore, it is essential to have a doctor walk with you through the journey to avoid such complications.


Understanding the above changes during pregnancy will help an expectant mother prepare enough for the changes. Therefore, you must be keen on any notable changes. Also, seeking medical advice helps to avoid stressing out on unnecessary issues. The internet is also full of materials that can be relevant to expectant mothers.

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