
​14 apps, gadgets and services Google killed in 2020


What was it: India-based hyperlocal social app

Launched in 2018, the India-based Neighbourly app helped users explore local services and facilities in their area by asking other residents who lived around. “We launched Neighbourly as a Beta app to connect you with your neighbors and make sharing local information more human and helpful. As a community, you’ve come together to celebrate local festivals, shared crucial information during floods, and answered over a million questions. But Neighbourly hasn’t grown as we had hoped. In these difficult times, we believe that we can help more people by focusing on other Google apps that are already serving millions of people everyday,” said Google about the app’s shutdown.


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Researchers discover why a perfect crystal is not good at conducting heat, although it seemingly should be — ScienceDaily

Physicists capture the sound of a perfect fluid — ScienceDaily